What saith the word?
Genesis 1:7 (KJV) And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
Have you ever wondered about the firmament in Genesis 1:7. Does science actually confirm the Bible as accurate? This firmament had waters below and above. A valid question is why is it gone now? Another valid question is how did it allow the people to live so long? The “water” was able to stay in the air above the firmament, and this would necessitate that the water was in the form of a vapor. Therefore there was a water vapor canopy above and surrounding the earth. Scientists suggest this canopy would have been approximately 10,000-20,000 feet above the surface of the earth. Today, many modern day scientist suggest this is not possible. However, Venus has a canopy around it like the one the Bible discusses in Gen 1:7, so why couldn’t the earth at the time of creation? Today, our atmosphere only holds about two inches of water around the face of the earth. This vapor today gives some protection from the damaging rays of the sun and helps hold in heat. This massive canopy which existed at the time of creation and prior to the flood would have made the earth a greenhouse or tropical paradise, and would provide the main source for the waters of the flood. This greenhouse effect would have also made the North and South Poles virtually the same temperature. This is called the “Taylor vortex” and has been tested and verified. This is the exact same case as Venus which has a canopy around it. All four sides of Venus are virtually identical in atmosphere including the equator. With a tropical paradise there would be no seasons because of the canopy holding in the heat. The “seasons” in Genesis 1 are not climactic seasons but instead are seasons for the marking of time (Gen 1:14). Obviously without protection from the ultra violet light we would not live very long. The current ozone layer protects us from these lights, but not near as well as the canopy that existed prior to the flood. Now for the question why did the longevity of life decline after the flood? The reason the average life expectancy began to decline was the lack of protection from the ultraviolet light when the canopy was lost during the flood. The atmospheric pressure would have been significantly increased prior to the flood because of the canopy. This increase in atmospheric pressure would have significantly increased the amount of available oxygen for breathing. Interestingly, this explains how some winged dinosaurs, such as the Pteranodon and Pterosaur were able to fly due to this increased atmospheric pressure. Additionally, the lung capacities of many dinosaurs have been noticed to have been too small to supply sufficient oxygen to their bodies. This increased atmospheric pressure prior to the flood (approx. 2.18 ATM) would have been sufficient to supply the needed oxygen to these dinosaurs. This higher atmospheric pressure would also increase the healing capacity for humans, as well as slow the aging process. Hopefully, this explains why the canopy is no longer present as described in the Bible (due to floodwaters), and also helps to explain why people lived so long prior to the flood.
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